North Seeker Series

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North Seeker Series


SDI-161 north seeker is composed of high-precision fiber optic gyroscope, mechanical rotating device and signal solving circuit. The rotation axis of the gyroscope maintains the same orientation relative to the inertial space, and the earth rotates around the polar axis relative to the inertial space at its rotational angular velocity. If the earth is used as a reference, the rotation axis of the gyroscope will be seen to rotate relative to the earth, so the gyroscope can Track and measure the angular velocity of the Earth’s rotation. Calculate the earth’s rotation angular rate signal to calculate the angle between the main axis of the gyroscope and the true north of the earth, and provide azimuth information for the carrier.


  • The high precision can reach 0.01 degree
  • High reliability& Excellent quality
  • Can be used outside(waterproof/dustproof/anticorrosion)


  • North seeker &Guidance
  • Navigation and control
  • Attitude reference system
  • Vehicle orientation measurement
  • Integrated inertial/satellite navigation system
  • Drilling and production system
  • Antenna platform reference orientation
  • Special vehicles look north   
  • Vehicle-mounted weapon system seeks north
  • Antenna platform reference orientation
  • Special vehicles look north   
  • Vehicle-mounted weapon system seeks north

Physical and electrical

Voltage -24~36VDC or 220VAC
Power ≤30W
Dimensions 220mm×200mm×215mm
Weight ≤6kg
Warranty One year


Heading accuracy 0.06°(1σ, Measuring range 0°~360°)
Resolution 0.01°
Pitch/Roll accuracy ≤0.04°(1σ,Measuring range ±5°)
≤0.06°(1σ,Measuring range ±15°)
Communication Port RS-422(RS-232 optional)
Baud rate 9600bps
North seeking time 3 min
Operating Mode Static


Operating -40℃~60℃
Storage -50℃~70℃
Vibration GJB 150.16A-2009; Frequency range 5.5Hz~200Hz, acceleration 1.5g; The scanning time is 12min
Shock GJB 150.18A-2009;Half-sinusoidal pulse with peak acceleration of 20g and pulse width of 11ms
Humidity 95%(40℃ Non-Condensation)